Clinics We Offer

Antenatal Clinic
Antenatal care is provided by the team of midwives based at Chipping Norton Hospital / Cotswold Birth Centre. If you require information from a midwife please contact them on: 01608 697930
Antenatal Classes- please consult your health visitor or midwife about these.

Chronic Disease Clinic
These clinics are run by the Practice Nurse’s for review of patients with chronic diseases.
An annual check-up is recommended with our Practice Nurses, patient will be invited via Text message for patients to self book for patients with mobile numbers on file or Letters for patients that does not have a mobile number to have these check ups.

Minor Surgery
Minor Surgery Clinics are carried out by our Doctors. Clinics are held at Hook Norton Surgery and we are currently offering 2 Mondays a month. Our Doctors will need to assess your needs before and appointment for the clinic can be made.

Treatment of Common Illnesses
Many everyday illnesses can be managed at home without the need to consult a doctor. NHS 111 online provides numerous information with regards to minor illnesses. Pharmacies are a great source to contact in the first instance, however, if you are worried please telephone the surgery for advice.

Well Woman
Dr Jenny McGillivray runs a clinic for Coils and implants, if you would like to find out more information please contact the Surgery and the Reception Team will make you a telephone appointment with Dr McGillivray.

Cervical Smears
Cervical smears are done by our Practice Nurses. It is recommended that all woman (between the ages of 25 and 65) should have the test every 3-5 years and invitations are sent out to individual patients by the National Screening service at the appropriate times, a follow up letter will come from the Surgery if no appointment has been made by patients. The letter that comes from the Surgery will have a disclaimer attached to it.
Further information – European Cervical Cancer Association
The mission of the ECCA is to inform you about cervical cancer and how it can be prevented.

Health Checks
Health Checks
Keep Well is a health programme designed to help you keep as well as possible. Health checks may be offered to patients aged 40 – 74 to look for any warning signs of conditions such as heart disease or diabetes developing.
The free NHS Health Check is with a healthcare assistant at your GP practice. You don’t have to wait to be invited but you do have to be eligible. If you are between 40 and 74 contact your GP practice to find out. The Surgery will invite patients by letter to book an appointment.
A NHS Health Check aims to help you lower your risk of developing these common but often preventable diseases such as heart attack, stroke, diabetes, kidney disease and some forms of dementia.
What’s involved
The check will take around 20 minutes
- Your height, weight, sex, ethnicity and age will be recorded
- Your blood pressure will be taken
- A simple blood test will check your cholesterol level
- Your body mass index (BMI) will be calculated. BMI is a measure of whether you’re a healthy weight for your height.
- You will be asked some simple questions about your family history, whether or not you smoke and how much alcohol you drink.

Health Visitors
Health visitors are registered nurses/midwives who have additional training in community public health nursing. We provide a professional public health service based on best evidence of what works for individuals, families, groups and communities; enhancing health and reducing health inequalities through a proactive, universal service for all children 0-5 years and for vulnerable populations targeted according to need. For support or advice, please TEXT the Health Visiting messaging service, Chat Health on 07312263081. All questions about your child’s health and/or development is welcome and no question is too “basic”. We are here to support you.